High Quality

We will never compromise on quality. We don’t believe in producing bad content, or content for the sake of content. We will always use the most appropriate talent and technology to bring our ideas to the screen.


As the climate crisis bites, we will put the planet first when making decisions about how we produce shows. We are not burdened by past methods, using new and innovative ways that are good for the environment - without compromising on quality.

Diverse and Inclusive

We will consistently push boundaries to ensure that we have a diverse and inclusive workplace, both onscreen and offscreen. We will regularly review our efforts and publically publish reports outlining where we can improve.

Put People First

Our ‘People First’ department is an industry-first independent body, providing wellbeing and mental health support for people both on-screen and off-screen. Together we can create a company where people are listened to, can learn, will thrive, and make better decisions and choices that are in the interests of all.

Young People

Because we produce shows for young people, we believe in putting their voices and experiences at the core of our efforts. Where possible, we will have them involved in all stages of production. By doing this we not only create authentic content, but also provide an opportunity for young people to work alongside our industry experts, breaking down silos and surfacing talent from diverse backgrounds.


Together we can build an open culture that encourages healthy discussion and debate, leveraging insight and ideas from across the company. In addition, our ‘Making Studio BE’ strand allows us to have a level of openness with a wider audience, never seen before in the industry.